Choose your way forward.

Many of us feel lost in our own lives at one point or another. The demands of a busy life and increasing mental clutter obscure what we really want, leaving us feeling stuck, bored, confused or unhappy.

Hear Emma’s experience with Lara

What is The VisionJourney Method?

The VisionJourney Method is a powerful and transformative approach designed to help you gain clarity, direction, and confidence in your personal and professional life. This Method encompasses various tools and techniques, including therapeutic coaching, visioning, HeartHealing™ and other self-development strategies, to guide individuals in achieving a life they dream of, goals and overcoming self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs. Through this Method, my clients define their objectives, create a clear roadmap to reach them, and receive ongoing support and guidance throughout their journey of personal and professional growth. It's a structured and comprehensive approach that empowers individuals to see their lives from a fresh perspective, making it easier to realise their dreams and aspirations. It is also life-changing!

  • “Embarking on Lara's VisionJourney Method has been an incredible journey of growth and self-discovery. Through this transformative work, I've learnt the power of accepting help and embracing collaboration instead of shouldering everything alone. The HeartHealing™ has been the icing on the cake and has opened up a world of freedom and fluidity in my daily life. Lara guides you through an introspective and outward journey that centers on the heart. By delving deep within, you uncover possibilities and opportunities that had remained concealed. This method has cleared the path to let go of what no longer serves me and has invited into my life elements, that are already enriching and elevating my life. I highly recommend going on this journey with Lara!”

    — VW

Frequently Answered Questions

What is a Vision Board?

When used with Neuroscience and NLP techniques, a Vision Board is an inspirational, motivational and manifestation tool that will help you clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on specific life goals.

How do I make a Vision Board?

Your Vision Board can be card, paper or a pinboard of any size where you display images, words or other ideas that represent what you want to achieve in life. There are no rules to creating your board (although I give you plenty of guidance and tips for getting the most out of your board) and no two are the same.

How does it work?

The process of selecting images and words for your Vision Board is where you start exploring new ideas and desires, then by having a clear visual image of what you want you can take regular action to make it a reality. Sometimes this happens without you feeling you are even trying, as ideas you may have never considered or thought possible before come to fruition.

Is a vision board the same as a mood board?

Although they can look similar, a Vision Board is different to a Mood Board, which is generally created to define or inspire an aesthetic. Your Vision Board may include material things you would like to own, but it can also include images and words that inspire you in other ways, such as interests you would like to explore or even a feeling you would like more of in your life.

WORKING together

My JourneyVisionJourney® Programs begins with delving into the subconscious mind, therapeutic coaching and Visioning and give you the space that you need to intentionally define your goals, dreams and plans and create a picture of where you want to go next. The beauty of my process is that the benefits ripple outwards and gather momentum. Unlocking your potential in one area can have a positive impact in many areas. Plus, you can revisit the process and iterate as you progress. The addition of HeartHealing® adds a key element missing - the ability to change our mindset and thinking so that we are no longer held back by limiting beliefs and self-sabotage behaviours and instead move forward confidently in our power at last.